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              Meal Planning Monday        

    Two of Everything: Meal Planning Monday

Monday, 28 May 2012

Meal Planning Monday

The veg box remained fairly safe this week.  I did have a rather large red onion dropped on my toe and I had to rescue the carrots again but we got away without the teeth marks this time.  Here's Little Miss checking out the onions:

Here's what we're eating this week with the contents of the box, plus fennel and broccoli which I ordered too:

Marinated barbecued chicken with salad (grated cucumber is going down a storm at the moment (as Little Miss still doesn't have any molars - cucumber's tricky with gums!))
Vegetable and quorn sausage pasta bake made with roasted squash and peppers.  I'm not a huge fan of quorn sausages but normal ones have so much salt in its a bit bonkers (plus there are fewer WW points for me in the quorn ones.)
Grilled salmon with new potatoes, asparagus and broccoli - the first veg box asparagus offering of the year, which Little Man will be very excited about.
Lamb and lentil curry with rice and broccoli - I'm using lentils to eke out the lamb a bit - its such an expensive meat I can't really justify big portions mid week.
Fennel and tomato couscous with fish - this is based on a Jamie Oliver recipe, but I cook the fish separately, use less couscous, and miss out the chillies.  Its really delicious and the children love it - I never thought I would see toddlers eating and enjoying fennel, of all things!

I haven't managed to put last week's chicken tagine recipe on - we ate it before I remembered to take a picture.  I had two hungry, demanding toddlers on my hands at the time.  It was yummy though and it worked well, despite the experimentation!

This week I have made peanut butter cookies too - they are really nice but a bit light and crumbly for little ones, they fall apart when they take a bite.  It might partly be the heat but they haven't been very interested so far, so I'm hoping I might catch a hungry moment to see what they really think!  

Check out more Monday meal planning over at Mrs M's.


At 28 May 2012 at 16:11 , Blogger The Mini Mes and Me said...

Sounds like a lovely variety of healthy meals! The curry sounds delicious (curry is my fav) and we are a big fan of couscous! x

At 28 May 2012 at 16:33 , Blogger Jenny said...

Your toddlers are good with their eating , they try a lot of new and exciting flavours. I need to cook some different ones for my two boys. Your BBQ chicken sounds tasty x

At 28 May 2012 at 17:42 , Blogger Seren said...

Hurrah for asparagus! The lot we had last week was gorgeous. Thanks so much for the Jamie O link - that sounds fabulous.


At 28 May 2012 at 18:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely summery week! Love the sounds of the fennel and tomato couscous- will definitely have to try that one x

At 28 May 2012 at 20:40 , Blogger Two of Everything said...

I love curry too - took a while to be brave enough to offer it to the children but they really like it. Phew!

At 28 May 2012 at 20:45 , Blogger Two of Everything said...

Its an Annabel Karmel marinade recipe, its really nice. Sadly we didn't manage to do it on the barbecue as we discovered it had rather a lot of rust on it. Two years' worth, in fact!

At 28 May 2012 at 20:48 , Blogger Two of Everything said...

The British stuff is soooo much nicer than the other stuff, much sweeter. My little boy eats so much that their whole bedroom smells of asparagus the next morning from his nappy!

At 28 May 2012 at 20:48 , Blogger Two of Everything said...

Oh yes, do - it's really nice :)

At 30 May 2012 at 10:55 , Blogger Lauren - Big Eejit said...

Glad the veg box survived! Enjoy your week of yummy food! x


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