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              Meal Planning Monday        

    Two of Everything: Meal Planning Monday

Monday, 18 June 2012

Meal Planning Monday

Today the veg box arrived a little later than normal.  Luckily we had stayed in as we finally have a sunny day here, so we went out in the garden to plant some tomato plants.  It came while we were having a mid-morning snack (and that's rice cakes with peanut butter, or Little Miss will throw a paddy) so once we had finished we set to exploring.  

Here are some things we have discovered this week while exploring the veg box:

  • Little Miss can say 'mushroom' (not bad for 19 months)
  • Little Man isn't as keen on raw broad beans as he is on cooked ones (although they were both fascinated to see what was hiding inside the pods)
  • Mummy now has more tomatoes than she knows what to do with (Abel and Cole put a free extra box in!) and is going to have a mammoth roast tomato sauce cooking session (I might put the recipe on here if I remember to take pictures!)

Here's what we're having this week:

Homemade fishfingers, potato wedges, broccoli and sweetcorn - these fish fingers always go down a storm - they're so much nicer than bought ones and they really don't take very long to make at all.

Broad Bean risotto - I'm not sure about the wisdom of making risotto in the week with toddlers round my ankles, it's not like it's something I can prepare in advance!  We'll see - I haven't actually made a risotto since I was about 20 and it was a complete disaster so who knows what might happen (although I'd like to think I know a little more about cooking by now...)

Salmon with pesto, new potatoes, asparagus and broad beans - yum.  I'm making pesto from scratch - Little Man loves it, and thinks it's great fun watching me make it in the food processor!

Chicken, Mushroom and Spinach Curry with rice - what's a week without curry?  An empty one, in my book...

Beefburgers and salad - this is a recipe from Lisa Faulkner's 'Recipes from my Mother for my Daughter' - it's such a lovely book and she signed my copy at The Good Food Show last Friday!  (Actually, it was my second copy - I didn't realise she'd be there so I had to buy another one!!  Oops!!)  I may add some roast tomato sauce to this - better than ketchup anyway!

We are off on our holidays at the end of this week, so no veg box antics for a couple of Mondays.  I'll still be planning my meals as we're going self-catering and I might do a post as we will have wifi.  That's if I can do it without The Daddy realising I am spending precious holiday time blogging...

I'm heading over to Mrs M's to see what everyone else is eating this week.



At 18 June 2012 at 15:15 , Blogger Jenny said...

ooooh yum! your recipes always sound amazing and so tasty. i make my own fish fingers and they are much nicer although my (fussy) OH prefers Birds Eye ones! i would be happy to come to your for every meal this week x

At 18 June 2012 at 15:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

Ooh the veg box is such a fab idea! Your meal plan sounds yummy too.

By the way, do you know that your RSS button is not working? I wanted to follow your blog but it doesn't work! Could you add a 'Followers' gadget to make it easy to follow you... just wanted to give a bit of advice so you don't miss out of followers! xx

At 18 June 2012 at 15:48 , Blogger The Mini Mes and Me said...

Sounds yum! Love the little ones exploring the veg box each week.
Hope you have a fab holiday x

At 18 June 2012 at 16:26 , Blogger Lauren - Big Eejit said...

Lovely meals. It's great that they are exploring and learning so much from a simple box of veg!

At 18 June 2012 at 19:39 , Anonymous Alison said...

Yummy! I want to come for dinner tomorrow and weds :-) Risotto is one of my staples now, bet yours will be yummy x

At 18 June 2012 at 20:58 , Blogger Two of Everything said...

Thank you! You'd be very welcome, if you could handle the pandemonium!

At 18 June 2012 at 21:00 , Blogger Two of Everything said...

Thank you so much for letting me know, I had no idea! Not very good at the techie stuff... I think I've sorted it for now - fingers crossed!

At 18 June 2012 at 21:01 , Blogger Two of Everything said...

The simple things are always best!!

At 18 June 2012 at 21:01 , Blogger Two of Everything said...

I hope so :) x

At 18 June 2012 at 23:21 , Anonymous TheBoyandMe said...

I'm the same as you are with curries, but for me it's a Chinese. Love how much of your food is homecooked.

At 19 June 2012 at 08:36 , Blogger Two of Everything said...

Not sure I could do it if I was working! I love cooking so it's my down time while they have their nap...


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